MatrixJoinLink @ TWIM

Originally posted on TWIM.

MatrixJoinLink is bot that allows the creation of invite links to non-public rooms in matrix.

Two weeks ago, I’ve mentioned the bot the first time in TWIM. Since then, I’ve made several improvements regarding UX. Now I’m happy to announce the next (probably interesting) version of the bot has been released (Release 0.10.0). Additionally, I’ve added more pictures of the workflow & technical details to the README of the project; so take a look at it if you like :)

The most important change is the new link command and more detailed error responses to the users (e.g., if permissions are missing). It was not that easy to create an invite link for a space without using development tools in Element to send messages in the space room itself. Thus, I’ve extended the link command of the bot: You can now send a message like !join link !internal.roomId A fancy link name in order to create an invite link to the room with the mentioned internal id (actually, a link will also work as long as it contains the internal id of the room).

So, feel free to test the bot and raise any issue using GitHub or using the development room that is mentioned in the project’s README.

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